更新:2025-01-26 15:30 编号:29344342 发布IP: 浏览:10次- 发布企业
- 郑州弘讯模型有限公司销售部商铺
- 认证
- 资质核验:已通过营业执照认证入驻顺企:第6年主体名称:郑州弘讯模型有限公司组织机构代码:91410100MA45KTJT50
- 报价
- 人民币¥6200.00元每辆
- 品牌
- 弘讯
- 尺寸
- 一比一
- 服务范围
- 全国
- 关键词
- 模型装备,,
- 所在地
- 郑州高新技术产业开发区牡丹路38号10幢1单元1层2号
- 全国服务热线
- 15290080813
- 请卖家联系我
Dear customers,
Welcome to Zhengzhou Hongxun Model Co., Ltd. We are a leadingmilitary exhibition model equipment manufacturer in China,dedicated to providing you with high-quality and realistic militaryexhibition models. Our models are priced at 6200.00 yuan pervehicle. Today, we would like to introduce our superior productsand services to you, and guide you to make a wise purchasingdecision.
1. Unparalleled Quality
At Hongxun Model Co., Ltd., we pride ourselves on the exquisitecraftsmanship and attention to detail in each of our modelequipment. Our models are made with precision and accuracy,ensuring that every feature reflects the real-life militaryequipment. We strive for perfection, so you can trust that ourmodels will satisfy your high standards.
2. Lifelike Appearance
Our military exhibition models are created in a one-to-onescale, providing you with a truly immersive experience. The modelsare meticulously designed to replicate the appearance of realmilitary equipment, including every intricate detail andcharacteristic. With our models, you can bring the essence ofmilitary power and prestige into your exhibition or collection.
3. National Service Coverage
As a national-level manufacturer, we can deliver our modelequipment to any location across China. No matter where you are,you can rely on our efficient and reliable transportation networkto receive your ordered models promptly. We are committed tobringing the joy of owning military exhibition models to everycorner of the country.
4. Versatile Applications
Our model equipment is not only suitable for militaryexhibitions, but also serves diverse purposes. They can be used aseducational tools in schools and universities, allowing students tobetter understand the military history and the development ofwarfare technology. Additionally, our models can be used inentertainment venues, such as theme parks and film productions, tocreate realistic military scenes.
5. Educational Value
By owning our military exhibition models, you not only obtain aremarkable display piece but also gain access to a wealth ofknowledge. Our models provide a tangible representation of militaryequipment, enabling you to learn about the design, function, andhistorical significance of each vehicle. They spark curiosity andencourage exploration, making them invaluable educationalresources.
6. Exclusivity
As the brand name suggests, Hongxun Model Co., Ltd. issynonymous with excellence and exclusivity. Our models are highlysought-after by military enthusiasts, collectors, and museumsworldwide. By investing in our models, you join an elite communityof individuals who appreciate the finest quality andcraftsmanship.
In conclusion, our military exhibition models, priced at 6200.00yuan per vehicle, are the epitome of authenticity and excellence.With our one-to-one scale, lifelike appearance, national servicecoverage, versatility, educational value, and exclusivity, there isno better choice for those seeking the best military exhibitionmodels in China. Join us in celebrating the artistry and impact ofmilitary equipment by making a purchase from Hongxun Model Co.,Ltd. today.
成立日期 | 2018年01月24日 | ||
主营产品 | 各种军事模型定制产品,专业承接制作:舰载机、直升机、民航客机、二战飞机、 主战坦克、步兵 战车、自行火炮、自行高炮、运兵车、装甲车、航母模型、军舰模 型、影视道具、影视剧车辆、景区军模设备、现代高铁模型、复古蒸汽火车模型、 航空展模型、航天展模型、加农炮、高射炮、迫击炮;等各种飞机坦克制作出租出售。 | ||
公司简介 | 弘讯公司介绍:弘讯公司成立以来聚集了上海、江苏、河南等地机械师傅携手研发各类军事模型设备,经过不懈的努力已为国内各地景区、国防教育基地均有合作来往,为客户提供优质多样化的产品。适用于:景区、国防教育基地、军事拓展基地、军事主题公园、红色文化基地、影视基地、剧组。承接制作:舰载机、直升机、民航客机、二战飞机、主战坦克、步兵战车、自行火炮、自行高炮、运兵车、装甲车、航母模型、军舰模型、影视道具、影视剧 ... |
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